Friday, June 1, 2012


"KFC" Chicken sisig

So after class I went over to my classmates pad to use the internet since my net has been acting up.
After a long day of review and exams we we're all pretty hungry but like most college students by the end of the week our allowance is pretty much tapped.
So after about half an hour deciding of what to eat we all came to an agreement to buy some KFC...No not the KFC that you know made famous by Colonel Sanders for Kentucky.
Im talking about the cheap 12 pesos chicken you find at the corner of the street hence the term KFC, Kanto fried chicken. 

Now I made a promise to myself never to buy that again but for purposes of this blog I made the sacrifice. I also wanted to be a team player and go with the decision that we all made...Plus from a financial stand point it made the most logical choice. 

Your going to need some chicken. Fried chicken is good cause its crispy

Onions, Green peppers, calamansi, mayo, salt and peppr to taste

Chop all Ingredients and debone and chop chicken

 saute the onions in butter or margarine till a little translucent
then add the peppers and the chicken.
 saute for another minute or so. Put it in a bowl, add mayo and mix.
add salt pepper and calamansi juice and mix again.
and you have your chicken sisig. simple huh?


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