Saturday, March 24, 2012


It all started with him. literally

 This blog has been on my mind since I moved to the Philippines and now 6 years later I'm finally starting it. As I sit in my living room floor thinking of what to write for my first entry, I think its fitting that I start it off whit my Dad. Since I was a kid my brother and I always wanted my dad to cook rather than my mom. My mom can cook but my dad was just on another level. He really loves to cook. I can still remember him making my friends try his cooking and if they were shy to try it he would say :

" oh man, you're missing half of your life." 

Cooking was always a way to bring their family of 12 siblings to the table. Just like many of my Aunts and Uncles they are proud Kapampangan Cosineros. Although they didn't have a formal culinary education it does not make them any less capable. They can taste a dish and know exactly how to make it, Just like musicians that  can pick up a guitar and learn how to play songs by ear, Its a talent. There is nothing more fulfilling than creating something that you and other people can appreciate and enjoy. I'm happy that he passed it on to me, At least the love for cooking. I hope one day when I have kids that they look at me the way we look at him. Love you dad!

1 comment:

aldwin santos said...

Lets get it on brother!

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