Saturday, September 15, 2012


Must try before you die!

I grew up in San Diego, California and I lived there for about 10 years. Most of my best childhood memories came from there. Most of my closest and dearest friends are from there. So it wouldn't be a surprise that one of my favorite dishes are from there.

A little history on my history with carne asada fries. My senior year of high school I was in a drag racing team and around 3-4 am after the racing was over we would head over to this small mexican fast food joint called Robertos  ( the small robertos, for my SD readers). At 3 am we would usually be the only ones there and afte about our 5th time we became friends with the 2 cooks, the short one and Enrique. I remember Enrique because he was working there the longest and I would help him brush up on his english ( I knew a little Spanish from my 2 years living in chicago where 80% of my friends where Mexican). There would be times when we would come in and bring the guys a 6pack of beer and we would have an open kitchen! we would make whatever we wanted! I remember my friends making giant burritos with rolled tacos inside! We would even ring up customers and make there orders from time to time. Those where some good times and where ever the short one and Enrique are now..I hope they are doing well!

Anyways to the Fries. Carne Asada Fries are like Nachos but with better meat and fries.
the meat is marinated and grilled not like nachos with its ground beef. Well anyway just make it and you'll understand. 

there is no correct way of making carne asada fries because each spot had they're own style of making it. There was Albertos, Alijandro's, Robertos, and one of the best El Cox ( El Cotixan). Each had their own way. So im going to go from what I remember it tasting like, what I saw in the kitchen of Roberto's and just some basic common ingredients. So let's start cooking.


French fries
 ( I made my own from scratch cause i didn't want to by the whole 5lb bag, but the store bought ones are more authentic)
                         Carne asada (recipe below)
Shredded cheese

Guancamole Recipe
2 avocados
minced onion
garlic powder
lime juice
salt and pepper
1 diced tomato ( take out the insides)

Carne Asada ( the meat)
 I used serloin because thats what was in my fridge, flank is good to use.)
Garlic powder
Chili powder

Lime juice
Olive oil

mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and set aside for a 1-3 hours. I set mine only for an hour but the longer the better. You can even do it over night. After the marinade is done you can either pan fry, of grill.

Grill the beef trough , and cut to small peices

You want to time your cooking so that right after your cut up the meat, your fries are just about dont cooking. You want to serve this meal hot so that the cheese melts on top.

 Pile the fries on a hot plate
add the meat
sprinkle with cheese
( abundantly, I was a uncharacteristic cheap on my cheese for some reason)
large dollop of guacamole sour cream
say a quick prayer
get your grub on!

Now a little video for those that don't like to read. BTW find the mystery phrase above for a prize!

aight peace! 

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