Sunday, April 1, 2012

Food for the Shot!

Eggs, tortillas , Italian sausage medley

School is out and all your friends are free. A quick call "bro! lets drink". If we all can get a dime, peso,  euro or whatever currency for every time you hear that, we would all be rich , three fold.

Well tonight that happened to me. A friend calls me and says "pare...
shot tayo!" (bro lets drink, in tagalog). How can you resist? It's summer time , you have a bottle of tequila sitting in you room, and you have nothing better to do. But with Filipino culture you need some Pulutan. Pulutan is something to eat while you are drinking. And tonight a bag of cheap dehydrated peas just wouldn't do.

So I go into my fridge and see what I can whip up. Just to let you know I'm pretty tipsy when I go rummaging through my fridge. And this is what I eventually find

2 wheat tortillas( slice tortillas in triangles making nachos)
1 Italian sausage( boil then cut into small pieces)
1 sweet onion ( peel and cut into simi circles)
1 bell pepper( julienne cut)
2 eggs( scrambled)
cheddar cheese(any type of sandwich cheese will do)

1. cut all onions, bell pepper, and tortillas
2.boil sausage. when cooked let it cool for 5 mins. then cut.
3. scramble ad cook the eggs and set aside
4. fry tortillas and set in a plate
5. mix and fry the meat and veggies from number 1and 2.
6. plate it. season with salt and pepper. top with cheddar cheese while hot add hot sauce to your liking.

7.let the good times roll!

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